Here's a photo of the older kids currently at the orphanage. They recently had VBS and had a wonderful time!
A Crazy Day!
Posted by Heather at 6:17 PM
As Dallas posted earlier, we were informed by the Colorado office that we needed to find an adoption agency post haste. I double checked with the orphanage in Haiti and it sounds like the email we got should only have gone to people who had not yet submitted their dossiers. Apparently the director in Haiti thinks that dossiers submitted already will likely go through without an agency. Mixed messages, but as of now we aren't pursuing an agency, though I had already talked with two agencies who both kindly agreed to help us out. Should the need arise later, it sounds like they can jump in and review our dossier, send a cover letter of their approval and keep the ball rolling. Yeah!!
Brenda Wilbee | July 9, 2011 at 6:58 AM
Just found your blog! I'm sorry to see so few donations, and will pray that more come in. And that the adoption will not get balled up too badly over this latest "no more private adoptions." BTW, my favorite verse in the whole Bible is yours listed above: Pure religion is this, to look after widows and orphans in their distress. I am proud of you both! Love, mum
Carla | July 9, 2011 at 1:39 PM
So glad to hear that you might squeak through without having to go through an agency! What a roller coaster ride. My parents are currently adopting from Haiti privately (near the end of the process??? although the process keeps changing) and we are domestic foster adopting right now. Hoping you can announce that you've been matched to a little girl soon!!