"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress..."

No More Private Adoptions

We just got an email from GLA regarding the Haitian government stopping private adoptions... immediately. Below is a portion of the email:
Dear Adoptive families,
   Yesterday afternoon President Martelly announced that he would no longer allow Independent adoptions for families, even for those in process. He stated that all families must be represented by a licensed adoption agency in the country where you live. I know that many of you have nearly completed your dossiers and are ready to send to Haiti. I have spoken with 2 licensed agencies in the US that we are contracted with, and asked them if they would work with you at a reduced fee based on the amount of work you have already done. Both have agreed to do that.

This effects us directly as we were not using an agency. The good news is that agencies have agreed to help at a reduced rate. Unfortunately this is an extra expense along this path we were not counting on. Also it is a further delay.

Please pray for us and the process as we proceed through this detour. Thanks!


  • Michelle | July 8, 2011 at 4:45 PM

    I am so sorry to hear of this setback. Thinking of you and hoping the agency you work with is helpful, quick, and supportive. Hoping for the best!! Can't wait to meet your little girl.

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