"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress..."


Annoying and disrupting... hiccups.

So dead wasn't good enough. Leika's parent's death certificates were deemed "not valid". This was delaying the process of the adoption and new certificates had to be obtained.We learned this last week and were told it would be two weeks and then it would have to go to the Lawyers to be deemed acceptable. 

Well, it went to the Lawyers on Monday!! 4 days after were told two weeks! Once the Lawyers are done with it (which should be soon), our dossier will enter the infamous black-hole of the Haitian governemnt, IBESR. It is so exciting to be this close to the bureaucracy and red tape! (who thought I would ever say that?)

We held our breath and the hiccup went away (we were praying while our breath was held however).


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